Australian Christian Web Site Directory

This year 2024 has been a year of turmoil for the US, Israel and much of the world as Jesus Christ's return becomes ever closer and the rise of an
anti-Christ gets closer.
At we continue to monitor world events as they happen and modern day prophets. Armageddon with Christ's
immediate return could still happen within the next 11 years (prior to 2035).
Christ will come to Judge all men and women. The time is getting shorter every week. Do Not take a RFID Chip into your body.
Do we really think the European, Middle East turmoils and USA / UK / Japan Economic Disasters are going to be solved and return the World will return
to the "good old days" or is the rise of a charismatic anti-Christ Dictator now happening in the United States or Saudi Arabia ?
We don't know exactly as events unfold, it's certainly possible.
Those Australians who do not commit their lives to Christ in the next 14 years will spend eternity in HELL.
This is a horrendous outcome. On Judgement Day other religions will be shown to be a monstrous and outrageous LIE.
Am I prepared to share the true Gospel, the message of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for my sins with my fellow Australians?
OR is MY next overseas holiday or MY CAREER or MY BEAUTIFUL HOME More important to me?

The Australian Christian Web site Directory lists Australian based Christian Web sites in the Categories below.
Please Click headings below
to view the listed Australian Christian websites
We believe this one of the best Australian Christian Directories in Australia. We've put a great deal of effort into this Christian Website Directory to help Christians in Australia.
Australian Christian Apologetic & Prophecy Sites
Australian Christian Web sites for Bible Societies in the South Pacific
Australian Christian Bible Colleges
Australian Christian Education See also Christian Schools below
Australian Christian Churches
Australian Christian Conference Centres
Australian Christian Employment Services / Jobs
Australian Christian Financial Services
Australian Christian Funeral Services
Australian Christian Magazines
Australian Christian Media Organisations
Australian Christian Music
Australian Christian Radio Stations
Australian Christian Miscellaneous and Other Organisations
Australian Christian Publishers
Australian Christian Resources
Australian Christian Schools
Australian Christian Sports Organisations
Australian Christian Support Organisations
Australian Christian Evangelistic Websites
Australian Evangelistic Websites for Jews
Australian Christian Mission and Evangelistic Organisations
Australian Christian Friend Finder and Activities
Australian Christian Ministries to Women
Australian Christian Youth
International Prophecy Sites

Christian Apologetic Sites
Who is Jesus
Apologetics Research Centre
Christian Apologetics & Research Center (CARM)
Leader U
Share the Gospel (Evangelism Toolbox)
Every Student
Christian Bible Societies in the South Pacific
The Bible Society of Australia
Bible Society - New South Wales - Aust
Bible Society in New Zealand
Japanese Bible Society
Indonesia Bible Society
Philippine Bible Society
Singapore Bible Society
Bible Society of the South Pacific
Bibles for Australia
Prison Epistles
Scripture Union, Australia
Pocket Testament League - Australia
Top 20 Christian ebooks
Bible Colleges and Institutes
Bible College of Victoria
Harvest Bible College, Victoria
Ridley College, Victoria
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Victoria
Whitley College, Victoria
Lifesource College (Online or In Person), Chatswood.
Australian College of Ministries, Castle Hill
Moore (Anglican) Theological College, Sydney
Morling (Baptist) Theological College, Sydney
Macquarie Christian Studies Institute Ltd, Macquarie University, Sydney
Grace Bible Believing Church, Newcastle
Hillsong College, Sydney
Mary Andrews College (for women), Sydney
Presbyterian Theological Centre, Sydney
Sydney Missionary and Bible College, Sydney
Tabor College, Sydney & Adelaide
Excelsia College (ex Wesley Institute) - Sydney
Queensland Theological College
Citipointe College - Carindale, Brisbane
Grace Bible Institute, Brisbane
Mackay Christian College
Nazarene Theological College, Australia
Sunshine Coast Theological College, Buderim
South Australia
Bible College of South Australia
Tabor College, Adelaide
Adelaide College of Divinity, South Australia
Western Australia
Harvest Bible College, WA Campus
West Australian Bible College.
Australian College of Theology
Youth with a Mission - YWAM, ACT
Cornerstone Community, Australia
Moriah School of Ministry, Australia
Online Bible College, Australia
Reformed Theological College, Australia
Tyndale Bible College, Australia
Unity College, Australia
Vision Internet Bible College, Macquarie Fields, Australia
World Changers College of Ministry
International School of Ministry
ISOM is the world's largest video Bible school with more than 20,000 training sites in 150 nations.
Christian Education web sites
Anglican Education Commission
Australian Christian Forum on Education
Christian Schools Australia - 09 0887 1699
Council for Christian Education in Schools
Shoalhaven Employers of Christian Education
Macquarie Christian Studies Institute
Christian Churches web sites
Australian Anglican Churches Anglican Churches in Australia
Australian Baptist Churches Australian Baptist Churches
Australian Assemblies of God Churches Assemblies of God Churches
Christian city churches & Community churches in NSW & QLD Christian city & Community churches
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Christian churches -
Baptist Chaplains Fellowship of NSW
Australian Baptist Women
Baptist Women Ministries of QLD
Baptist Women Fellowship of NSW
Baptist Union of NSW
Baptist Union of Australia
Australian churches: A List
New Frontiers Churches ( Brighton, South Africa, Dubai, India, Shanghai, New Zealand )
Salvation Army
NSW Council of Churches
Newtown Uniting Church, Sydney
Christian Conference Centres /Retreats
Hillsong Convention Centre - Baulkham Hills
Katoomba Christian Convention Centre - Katoomba
Katoomba Youth Convention - Katoomba
Merroo Christian Centre - 1 hour from Sydney
Noonaweena - Kulnura, NSW
Pacific Lodge - Cooma, NSW
The Tops, Stanwell Tops - 1 hour south of Sydney, NSW
Uniting Conference Centres - Parramatta, Lane Cove, Kurrajong, Bonny Hills
Email Wesley Mission for details on Wesley Conference Centre
YouthWorks Conference Centres, Sydney
Venue Finder
Christian Employment Services
Christian Careers . Com
Christian Jobs Australia - Truly Excellent
Salvation Army Jobs Plus Site
Christian Financial Services
EIG Ansvar - General Insurance, Victoria
Christian Super, Sutherland, Sydney
Multisure General Insurance Brokers, Sydney
Christian Funeral Services
Albert & Meyer
Hills Family Funerals - Baulkham Hills
Christian Magazine web sites
Alive Magazine
Anglican Voice Online Magazine
Footprints - Christian Magazine for Australian Women
Shoot the Messenger
00000 This E-zine aims to resource and empower those living out & communicating the Gospel in postmodern society and to provide an alternative critique of popular culture.
Sight Magazine - Christian News
Sign of the Times - SDA Monthly Magazine
The Salvation Army (War cry online newspaper)
Southern Cross - free Newspaper of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney
Christian Media Organisations web sites
ABC Radio National - religious programs
Anglican Media Sydney
Anglican Media Melbourne
Australian Church Record
Australian Christian Channel
Australian Christian Lobby - PLEASE Pray for Michelle Pearse as CEO to support Christian values
Australasian Religious Press Association
Christian Audio and Video, Victoria
Christians in the Media
Christian Multimedia, Sydney
CTA (Christian Television Association)
Christian Television Australia
Christian Media Network, Australia
Hillsong TV
Matthias Media
Southern Cross
Sydney Anglicans Net - Film Review
Australian Christian Music web sites
Worldwide Christian Artist Directory
Australian Christian Artists Network
Australian Christian Music
Blackstump Music Festival
Christian Drummers Association
Discount Christian Music Products (CMP)
Planetshakers Festival (Melbourne)
the Rock across Australia
A Sharp Recording Studio - Sydney
SaltLight Recording Label

Australian Christian Artists and Bands web sites
Alabaster Box Alabaster Box - Christian Band on the Gold Coast, QLD
Audience Audience
Antiskeptic Antiskeptic
Aslandia Aslandia
Attic Online Music Venue Attic Online
The Band that follows Jesus The Band that follows Jesus
Russell Baker Russell Baker
Blind Blind
Breath of Life Breath of Life - Peter Stacey
Bretheren HQ Bretheren HQ
Colin Buchanan Colin Buchanan
Citrus Citrus - Christian Acoustic Band
Jason Coghill Jason Coghill
Paul Coleman Paul Coleman
Paul Coleman Trio Paul Coleman Trio
Compliments of Gus Compliments of Gus
Andy James Court Andy James Court
The Doomsday Preachers The Doomsday Preachers
Fishbait Fishbait
Jess Hammond Jess Hammond
John Hemans John Hemans
Highly Exalted Highly exalted is his name
Inside Out Inside Out
Jael Jael
Maxi Praise Maxi Praise
Mike McCarthy Mike McCarthy
Law Ministries Law Ministries
Bec Mesiti Bec Mesiti
Reuban Morgan Reuban Morgan
Mustard Records Mustard Records
Narollah Narollah
New Testament New Testament
Newsboys Newboys
Melvin Tan Melvin Tan
Nathan Tasker Nathan Tasker
Playjerise Playjerise
Rocketdogrock Rocketdogrock
Rookie Rookie
Smallhouse Records Small House Records
Ubiquitous Ubiquitous
Unda Ground HQ music venue Unda Ground HQ
Roma Waterman Roma Waterman
Christian Radio Stations web sites
Hope 103.2 (Sydney) - Christian Radio Station "Highly Recommended - Hope 1032 AUDIO STREAMS across the Internet"
------------- (Sydney) - Christian Radio - Kids Praise
96.5 FM - Brisbane - Christian Radio Station
ABC Radio - National - religious programs
United Christian Broadcasters Australia
Biblebelievers Radio Broadcasts
Bible Radio
Freshradio (Sydney)
Gippsland Radio (Victoria) - LIFE FM
Vision Radio Network Australia
Vision FM ( 7 Christian Stations across Australia)
Miscellaneous and Other Organisation web sites
A Glimpse of Heaven and Hell - Ian McCormack
The Amazing Bible
Near Death Experiences - The Final Frontier
Aussie Christians Online
Anglican Church League - Australia
Bible Family Tree - US site
A Christian Science site - Robert Stening
Australian Catholic Anti Slavery Network
Christian Mentoring - John Mallison
Christian Resources Exhibition (Format under review)
Christian Mousepads for your PC
Christian Speakers
Christian Music in Australia
Church Army Australia
Common Dreams Seminar
Communicare - Sydney
Crossroads Christian Fellowship for the Disabled.
Festival of Light - Fred Nile
Free Christians Australia
God Surfer
Graceworld 13
Passion Play - Turramurra Uniting Church - every year in March.
Thankgiving Day
Victorious Ministry through Christ
Willow Creek Australia
Witch turns to Jesus Christ
Your Destiny Your Choice.
Christian Resources & Publishers web sites
Australian Institute of Family Counselling
History of World from a Biblical Perspective
Chinese Church Support Ministries
Christian Media Resources
Christian Resources Savings Plus
Christian Resource Specialists
Christian Mentoring - John Mallison
Cleansing Stream Ministries
Ellel Ministries, Menangle
Family Wellness Australia
Growthworks DVD 10 wk Small Group Study
Institute in Basic Life Principles
Khesed Ministries
Koorong Books - Order on Line
Kristos Christian Distribution - 9785 2310
Life Support Coaching for Church teams
NSW Right to Life (Evangelicals for Life)
Pornography is sweeping the known world like a tidal wave of destructive evil.
“Imagine a drug so powerful it can destroy a family simply by distorting a man’s perception of his wife.
Picture an addiction so lethal it has the potential to render an entire generation incapable of forming a lasting
marriage and so widespread that it produces an insane level of annual revenue — $100 billion worldwide.
An online statistics firm has estimated 40 million people use this drug called Porn on a regular basis
This is the PORNOGRAPHY and ITS VERY VERY DANGEROUS" Submitted by an anonyomous author.
The Dangers of Pornography to Men and Society - Just 1 click away
Escaping the Pornography Trap
Open Book Australia, Adelaide
Perspective Online
Positive Action for Christ, Grafton
Purpose Driven Ministries - 40 days of Purpose
Resourcing the Church
The Story Factory
Word Bookshop - Order on Line
Christian Schools
Australian Association of Christian Schools
Christian Schools Australia
Bangor Inaburra School
Bourke - Koinonia Christian Academy Phone 02 - 6872 2944
Bourke Cornerstone Community Schools - Pera Bore and Bourke
Christian Community school at Riverstone, phone 02- 9627 4144
Coffs Harbour Christian Community School
Coverdale Christian School
Dubbo Cornerstone Community Schools - Burrabadine and Dubbo
Dunmore Lang Christian Community School , phone 02 6543 1114
Essington Christian Academy - Westmead , phone 02 9689 1138
Gosford Christian School
Goulburn Junior College , Phone 02 - 4822 2832
Green Point Christian College
Greenacre Baptist Christian Community School
Hunter Christian School
Jervis Bay Christian Community School Phone 02 - 4441 7983
Lake Macquarie Christian College Phone 02 - 4959 9111
Lakeside Christian College TWEED HEADS
Liberty College
Maitland Christian School
Mamre Christian College ERSKINE PARK
Medowie Christian School Phone 02 - 4981 7177
Moree Christian Community School
Mount Annan Christian College
Murwillumbah Christian College Phone 02 - 6672 4585
Nambucca Valley Christian Community School
Northcross Christian School
Northern Beaches Christian School
Nowra Christian School
Oxford Falls Grammar School
Pacific Hills Christian School
Pacific Hills Christian School Pacific Hills Christian School, Dural
Parkes Christian School, Back Trundle Road - Phone 02 - 6862 4164
Penrith Christian Community School
Regents Park Christian Community High School
Sherwood Cliffs Christian School, 1756 Sherwood Creek Road, Glenreagh - Phone 02 - 6649 2139
Singleton Christian College
Snowy Mountains Christian School, COOMA NORTH - Phone 02 - 6452 4333
South Granville Christian Community School. Phone 02 - 9892 2480
Southern Cross Baptist Church Christian School, ENGADINE 02 - 9520 3911
St Andrew's Christian Community School, CLARENZA VIA GRAFTON
St Bishoy Coptic Orthodox College, 53 Methven Street, MT DRUITT
St George Christian School
St Mary and St Mina's Coptic Orthodox College
Summerland Christian College
Sydney Adventist College Sydney Adventist College, Strathfield
Taree Christian Community School, 423 Kolodong Road, TAREE 02 - 6552 3177
The Coast Christian School
Toongabbie Christian School, 40 Metella Road, TOONGABBIE 02 - 9688 2952
Wyong Christian Community School
Yanginanook School, Bundaleer Street, BELROSE phone 02 - 9450 1027
Cairns Christian College
Caloundra Christian College
Calvary Christian College
Central Queensland Christian College
Christian Outreach College - Brisbane
Christian Outreach College - Toowoomba
Cooloola Christian College
Dalby Christian School
Emerald Christian College
Emmanuel College
Faith Baptist Christian School Phone 07 - 4978 2850
Genesis Christian College
Glasshouse Country Christian College
Good Shepherd Christian School Phone 07 - 3264 3476 ext 35
Groves Christian College
Staines Memorial College (Norton Sands - Principal)
Whitsunday Christian College
Bairnsdale Christian Community School, Bairnsdale
Flinders Christian Community College, Carrum Downs
Hillcrest Christian College, 500 Soldiers Road, VICTORIA
Heatherton Christian College, HEATHERTON, VIC
Kerang Christian Community School, 98 Wyndham Street, KERANG
Lighthouse Christian College, 927-937 Springvale Road, KEYSBOROUGH
Mildura Baptist College, Cnr. Karadoc Avenue and 17th Street, IRYMPLE 03 5024 5310
Moonee Vale Christian School, 21-25 Gladstone Street, MOONEE PONDS 03 9370 3142
Mount Carmel Christian School, RMB 2046 Streets Road, WODONGA 02 6056 2288
Northside Christian College, BUNDOORA
Open House Christian School, 70 Kingsway Drive, LALOR, 03 9464 5387
River City Christian College, 29 Rose Street, ECHUCA, 03 5482 4594
Shepparton Christian Community School, 155 Verney Road, SHEPPARTON, 03 5831 7790
St Andrews Christian College, BURWOOD
Sunbury Christian Community College, 27-37 Anderson Road, SUNBURY, 03 9740 5400
Victory Christian College, BENDIGO
Warracknabeal Christian Community School, Bowman Street, WARRACKNABEAL, 03 5398 1967
Waverley Christian College, 1248 High Street Road, WANTIRNA SOUTH, 03 9871 8600
Westernport Christian School, 186 Mornington Tyabb Road, TYABB, 03 5977 4818
PARALOWIE Bethany Christian School (SA)
NORTHGATE Cedar Christian College (SA)
CRAIGMORE Christian School (SA)
KADINA Harvest Christian School (SA)
MURRAY BRIDGE Christian College (SA)
MURRAYLANDS Christian College (SA)
ETHELTON Portsea Christian School (SA)
MORPHETT VALE Southern Vales Christian College (SA)
EDITHBURGH Southern York Peninsula Christian College (SA) - Phone Mrs Herreen (08) 8852 6466
SOUTH PLYMPTON Tabor Christian College (SA)
MILE END Temple Christian College (SA)
TYNDALE Christian School (SA)
Geneva Christian School (TAS)
Trinity Christian College (TAS)
ALBANY Bethel Christian School (WA)
ARMADALE Dale Christian School
BUNBURY Grace Christian School
BUSSELTON Cornerstone Christian College
COOLGARDIE Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School - Coolgardie
GIBSON Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School - Wongutha
HAMILTON HILL New Life College
KALGOORLIE Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School - Kurrawang , Principal is Mr Grant Little 08 - 9091 2590
WAIKIKI Maranatha Christian College
NORTH ISLAND Christian Schools
NORTH ISLAND Christian Schools
Christian Sports / Camping Organisation web sites
Australian Athletics Chaplaincy
Christian Autosport Club of Australia
Christian Camping International - Australia
Christian Surfers Australia
Crusader Camps for Young people
Christian Youth Camps
Christian Support Organisation web sites
Australian Baptist World Aid (ABWAid) - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Over 65% goes directly to the Child and Aid Projects after admin costs. So that's a super effective use of your donated dollars.
Melissa Lipsett (Chief Executive) is trying to find sponsors to help 100 new children.
CAN YOU HELP? Only AUSTRALIAN $1.70 per day ($50 a month) LESS THAN YOUR MORNING COFFEE to change a child's life.
African Enterprise - Australia
Anglicare NSW Australia
Anglicare Counselling Service
Baptist Community Services, NSW
Care Outreach, QLD
Compassion Australia
Deaf Ministries International, Victoria
Destiny Rescue, Victoria
Hungry People (Sponsor a Rickshaw)
International Nepal Fellowship
Jesus Cares - Meals for Sydney's poor
Mercy Ships Australia
Micah Challenge - A Global Commitment to the World's Poor
Opportunity Australia (sponsoring businesses in the 3rd world)
Revive Australia Movement
The Salvation Army
Samaritans Purse - Operation Christmas Child
Sydney City Mission
Tear Australia
Tribes and Nations, Australia
Wesley Mission
World Vision Australia
Evangelistic Websites
Ambassadors for Christ, Sydney
Acts International, South Aust
Alpha Christian Courses
Alpha Australia
Campus Crusade for Christ Australia
Christian Brethren Ministries
in Defence of the Gospel dot com
ECOM (Evangelism in the Workplace) Ph (02) 9241-1700
Impact Evangelism
Jesus - All about Life
How to Witness to Mormons
Kenneth Copeland Ministries
My wife have been blessed by the Kenneth Copeland publications for years. Both Ken and Gloria are fantastic Christians.
We have learnt a great deal from them and enjoy their free magazine.
Open Air Campaigners (OAC Ministries)
People of God
Raychel's Revelations
Reality Outreach Ministries, NSW
Try Jesus (7th Day Adventist Church)
Two Ways to Live
Evangelistic Websites for Jews
Bridges for Peace Australia
Celebrate Messiah Australia, Victoria
Christians for Israel, Melbourne, Victoria
Jewish Bible Fellowship
Ebenezer - Operation Exodus
Jews for Jesus Ph (02) 9388-0559
Society for distributing Hebrew Scriptures
Mission & Evangelistic Organisations web sites
Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all the peoples - (Psalms 96v3)
Australian Baptist Missionary Society
Global Interaction - Baptist Missionary Organisation
African Enterprise
Xplore the Cause - Cross Cultural Ministry
Baptist Bible Translators Institute
Australia's Outback Patrol
Australia's Bible League
The Bush Church Aid Society
Campus Crusade for Christ
Christian Blind Mission International
Christian Services for the Blind
Church Missionary Society (Australia)
CMS Summer School - Katoomba
Coastlands - Reaching the Remote for Jesus
Crossroads - Provision of equipment to the 3rd World
Easterfest 6-8 April - Australia's Largest Christian Event-Towoomba
Ends of the Earth
Evangelical Sisterhood of mary, Theresa Park, Sydney
Global Recordings Network, Sydney
Ian McCormack's Sydney visit.
Metamorphic Global Church Planting
Mission Aviation Fellowship
MU Australia
Operation Mobilisation
Open Doors Australia - Mission to the Persecuted
People International
Pioneers, Victoria
SIM ( Serving in Mission ) Australia
United with God Ministries
Uniting Church - Overseas Aid
Voice of the Martyrs
Christian Friend Finder and Activity web sites
Christian Café - some aussies listed
Christian Links to Others
Christian Match, Australia
Christian Soulmates, USA
Christian Speed Dating
Christian Activities
James Jacob in Sydney
Club Solo (Melbourne) Rev Steve Mitchell
Singles for Christ (Parramatta - Sydney)
Southern Cross Ski Chalet
Oak Hall Christian Tours - United KingdomTrips thru Europe, Africa & Asia.
Christian Ministries to Women
Australian Baptist Women
Baptist Women Ministries of QLD
Baptist Women Fellowship of NSW
Christian Women Communicating International
Christian Women Communicating International Website
ChristianWomen Org Au
Women's Leadership Network
Christian Youth web sites
Awana Clubs Australia (02-9629 3603)
Brigades Australia (Boys and Girls)
Brightwaters Christian Camp, NSW
Child Evangelism Fellowship, Lidcombe, NSW
Children for Christ, Penrith, NSW
Christian Answers Network In 33 languages
Christian Education Publications for Youth (Sydney South)
Christian Links for Kids
Christian Youth Resources, Australia
Clewer Puppets
Colouring for Kids
JAM Jesus & Me - Ministry for Children
Katoomba Youth Convention - Katoomba, NSW
Kids Music CD's
Kid Explorers:- Family-friendly entertainment/multi-lingual
Mission Afloat Tasmania
Messups Puppets / Entertainment Presentations
My Pocket Scriptures for Children
Scripture Union Beach Missions - NSW
Scripture Union Family Missions - WA
Teach us to Pray
Anglican Youth Department (Sydney)
Youth Surge (Sydney)
Anglican Youth Works (Sydney)
Zuigia - Ministry in Sydney High Schools
International Prophecy and Bloggers Sites
Holy Spirit Wind Bitchute site by Jeff Byerly
Wings of Prophecy (Glynda Lomax)
Hear His Heart (Kevin Barrett)
Survive the Earth Changes by Christopher Harris
z3news - An excellent US based Prophecy site
z3news - An excellent US based Prophecy site

Email to add or swap links with our site. Linking to is easy. Just save the ASKTHEBIBLE next gif image to your page.
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Family First Team - NSW (Lyle Shelton), Victoria (Bernie ), Queensland ( ).
Please continue to pray for Family First team to stop the destruction of Morals & Values in Australian States.
(1) Family First exists to restore Australia by restoring the primacy of the family in public policy.
This will be achieved through a grass roots political party which raises courageous voices in our nation’s parliaments. They fight against the radical agenda
for all Australians living in NSW.
Please click the graphic below for further information.

Date of Revision - 4 AUGUST 2025
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