1. Find and read Psalm 119:v 97-105.
2. What are some advantages the author mentions because he takes note of God's word?
3. What actions does the writer take with the law? (e.g. "I think" in v. 97)
4. How is God's word described in verse 105?
In prayer: Thank God for the Bible and tell Him you want to read and live by it.
1. Find and read 2 Timothy 3:15-17.
2. How did knowing the Bible help Timothy?
3. Who is the original source of the Bible?
4. What is the Bible good for?
5. Has your reading the Bible resulted in any of the things listed in your answer to Question 4
In prayer: Thank God for the things you have learnt and experienced because you are reading the Bible.
1. Find and read James 1:22-25.
2. What are we to do in addition to reading the Bible?
3. What are the results of putting what God says into practice?
4. From what you have read in the Bible - what are some things God is wanting you to do,
or to change?
In prayer: Ask God to help you do it.
1. Find and read John 8:v 31-32.
2. What does Jesus want you to do with His teaching?
3. What will result from doing this?
In prayer: Tell Jesus you are willing to obey Him.
So, the Bible is God's written word to us. As Young Christians the important thing to do now, and for the rest of your life, is to READ THE BIBLE AND OBEY IT!
Over the next few weeks you will be directed in your reading as you work through this material. But you can do more. If you want to, feel free to read the Bible for yourself anytime you wish.
Here are some helpful guidelines:
1. Start with a gospel. Maybe Mark (the 2nd NT book). Feel free to choose any. 2. After you have read a gospel, read through Acts and see the exciting start of the beginnings of the Christian church. 3. After Acts, try one of Paul's letters - Ephesians, Colossians, or Philippians are good, and after these go to 1 Peter. 4. As you read jot down any questions you have:WHERE TO LOOK WHEN:
![]() | You need inner peace: - John 14; Romans 8. |
![]() | Everything is going well: - 1 Timothy 6; James 2:1-7. |
![]() | You have been given a position of responsibility: - 2 Corinthians 8. |
![]() | You realise you've been living selfishly: -Luke 12:13-21. |
![]() | You want to be a good neighbour and friend: - Luke 10:25-27. |
![]() | You are very worried about people close to you: - Luke 12:4-7. |
![]() | Things seem to be going from bad to worse: - 2 Timothy 3. |
![]() | Friends seem to let you down: - Matthew 5; 1 Corinthians 13. |
![]() | You are overwhelmed by sadness: - Matthew 28. |
![]() | You are tempted to do wrong: - Matthew 4; James 1:12-25. |
![]() | A relationship with someone is strained: - Ephesians 4:1-6. |