Pray for Donald J Trump and JD Vance to restore Good Governance to the USA.
For 2024 and beyond, be Watchful and Look forward to a Great Move of the LORD JESUS, as He pours out His Glory and visits His sons and daughters across the Nations in different ways, as He prepares His Body (the church) for His Glorious coming.
Be aware and alert for the Rise of the Beast and the Tyrannical Beast System associated with the WHO and ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (GLOBAL RESET).
Watch closely Barack Obama and Prince Mohammed bin Salman's potential rise to gain international power. For the reign of the Anti-Christ (the man of lawlessness AKA son of Perdition) is commencing soon.
His partner the false prophet (aka the second Beast, maybe Pope Francis) will also be by his side to propel the satanic agenda of the Beast system upon the Nations.
The Holy Bible is not just a historical document. It is a record of God's dealing with men and women
in the Old and New Testaments. A Holy God's revelation of Himself and His purposes. The words and
themes of the Holy Bible have eternal consequences for every human being.
Ask the Bible aims to determine what the Bible says about current issues.
What distinguishes Christianity from other Faiths?
What is Grace? Undeserved mercy by God the Father to rescue mankind through His Son, Jesus Christ.
While other faiths struggle to reach God by following Laws, Regulations, Pillars of faith, Mantras and Rules a Christian lives in true freedom outside these constraints and religious dogmas. Christians understand that striving to keep Laws and Regulations will ultimately fail. They understand in this world they live with a flawed sinful nature. Grace is the key. Peace with God can only be obtained through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We Praise and Worship
God the Father Almighty! Maker of Heaven and Earth,
and in His only Son our Lord Jesus Christ,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary over 2000 years ago & died on a wooden cross for all mankind.
We earnestly believe the foundations our all other religions that do not have Jesus Christ as central to salvation are false religions and lead people to hell. They may have some good attributes but nonetheless are false paths. This includes Islam (a major world religion), Hindu, Buddist and other false cults. Don't be deceived.
Christianity offers Real Hope, Real Peace, Real Joy, Eternal Life and a true path to God, even though you may feel totally unworthy, filthy and defiled. God still loves you. HEY! That's great News for us all.
Discover Biblical Truth !!!. Repent !!! Believe !!! and Put your Hope in the Lord Jesus who loved you so much he died for YOU.
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